Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Face of hope

I will say this about Facebook: There's significantly fewer pictures of skanks* and debauchery than on MySpace.

Which is to say, I haven't seen any.

And I'm going to abandon any pretense of finding that sort of thing appealing. I am boring and old; I don't need to see cheap amateurish attempts at being provocative. (I have the entire internet available; I can find professional-level provocation, should I so desire.)

Because Facebook only allows one to see the pages of those who have accepted requests for "friend"ship (the quotation marks are intended only to distinguish being a "friend" in Facebook parlance from the term's off-line context, not to imply irony), all I can say with any certainty is that the people with whom I have some acquaintance (and who have Facebook accounts) either do not have skanky or debaucherous photos of themselves, or they have the sense to not put such photos on the 'net. Whether this is true of everyone on Facebook or merely of the people who are my "friend"s I lack sufficient research to say with any certainty, but I'll choose to believe it's generally true.

I prefer to believe there is a portion of society who can only take so much of the MySpace crap. I mean, besides just me.

This may only be making me feel better, but what good are beliefs if they don't make the believer feel better?


* Skanks is, I believe, merely a technical term when referring to MySpace.

(Yes, I did make up "debaucherous"; someone has to be first to try to make it into an adjective.)


  1. Damn. And I was just about to post a picture of myself in a thong. Now I'm not going to. Thanks a lot, Doug!

  2. There I go, ruining it for everyone again.

    When will I learn to shut up?

  3. Yep, my thong photo just went into the Recycle Bin as well... thanks a lot Doug..

  4. I was about to post a picture of myself wearing nothing but a nicotine patch and two Halls cough drops, but now...


    ...well, now I just don't see the point.

    (kickin the dirt)

    You ruin everything, Doug.
    I hope you're happy, you skank Nazi!



So, what do you think?