Friday, September 25, 2009

More Hawaii photos

Because it's the 25th it's time to remind my intrepid readers that over at the photo site there's more photos of our honeymoon on the Big Island of Hawai'i (click on that to see the whole Hawaiian series thus far).

There's some shots from along Highway 200 (the Saddle Road) as the terrain shifts from lava fields to tropical rainforest... one moves southeast away from Mauna Kea and gets to the Kaumana Caves.

And there's some pics of this interesting tree (with many vines hanging down), which is near the entrance to the caves.

(Sure, the honeymoon was in July. I'm not rushing it. What's the big deal?)

1 comment:

  1. I like the first one of the clouds. It looks like a face with blue eyes, one eye winking.

    (Hey, at least I didn't say it looked like a doggie or a pony. [G])

    Ray (who may have been staring into the sun for too long).


So, what do you think?