Wednesday, February 15, 2006


It's really quaint the way I occasionally delude myself into thinking it matters whether I post anything here or not. Quaint.


  1. Yes, it matters. Without your observations of the Human Experience, we (your readers) would be bereft of..... your observations of the Human Experience. Frankly, I don't like being bereft of anything. Also, I'm not entirely sure what the Human experience is (it sounded good - this is the type of statement that comes from a college drop-out). But I figure that if I continue reading your posts, I'll gain new knowledge, and all knowledge is good (except when it isn't).
    Post on, brother.
    Post on.

  2. Knowledge is what is found elsewhere on the 'net. Well, at least potentially... at the sites that aren't porn. Hmm. On second thought, the porn could impart knowledge as well. Never mind.


So, what do you think?