Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Knock knock

Actual knock-knock joke our preschooler told at dinner a couple weeks ago (with our responses):

(Who's there?)

(Banana who?)

(Who's there?)

(Banana who?)

(Who's there?)

(Pickle who?)

Pickle you glad I didn't say "Banana"! [Cackles with laughter]


Happy National Pickle Day.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Exactly how were we *saving* daylight?

If since March 11 we've been "saving" daylight then conceivably we should have a seven-month stockpile from which we could redeem some of that saved-up daylight and not have it be so dark when we leave work tomorrow.

"Daylight Saving Time" my ass; it was Daylight Having Time and we squandered it during summer when there was plenty of daylight already.

(Clearly linguists were not consulted when the policy was named.)