Sunday, April 28, 2013

How Freaks and Geeks Met Your Mother's Mad Men in Buffy Cougartown

Fun with TV overlap, 13 years after Freaks and Geeks:

Lindsay Weir has a 17-year-old and is sleeping with Don Draper.

Nick Andopolis has a toddler and is happily married to Willow.

Daniel Desario has no children and bombed as Oscar host.

Ken Miller is proudly serving in the military (after a stint producing porn).

Kim Kelly, not surprisingly, consumes a fair amount of wine.

Seems pretty clear who has most to brag about at the reunion. Or at least who would be most popular at such an event.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Public profanity: A short guide to using it

Many would argue that the use of profanity in public has spun wildly out of control over the past few decades, and there'd be little denying standards are much looser than in my parents' day. However, there are moments when it fits perfectly with a given public situation.

For years to come I imagine a primary example of that scenario to be cited will be David Ortiz's speech before Saturday's Red Sox game—the first after the Boston Marathon bombing suspects were killed and captured.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

'Songs For Slim' Doesn't Replace the Replacements

The Replacements Songs For Slim
A couple week's ago friend on Facebook asked me about my stance on the new Replacements' "album." This was close to the time we go to bed and I wasn't inclined to get into a long analysis, so I replied simply: "Well, it's an EP of covers, unpretentiously played and produced. I enjoy it."

And that sufficed at that hour.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Paint It [comma] Black

The Rolling Stones' "Paint It, Black" has that punctuation not because the band intended it but because the label made a typo back at the time of its release. And it continues to be listed that way on their albums to this day.

Proofreading is important.