Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our bright future

I'm not sure what worries me more:

The idea that decades from now a child of the mid-century will ask me how someone as inarticulate as George W. Bush was president for not merely one but two terms and I'll have to try to explain that.


That decades from now that same child will have absolutely no difficulty understanding how that happened.


I can only hope that if the latter comes to pass, it will merely be because the world will have become so based upon irony that nothing will be done with any sincerity whatsoever.

(Wait. Are we already in that world? Crap...)

1 comment:

  1. I kind of hope someone will make a documentary about it so that I won't have to explain anything. I mean, truth be told, I'm still a bit confused about it myself.


So, what do you think?