Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hands off

Tuesday a new law goes into effect in California where using a cell phone without a "hands free" device while driving is a citable offense. I am almost giddy with anticipation of seeing the first idiot pulled over by the police and issued a ticket for using his phone.

It's the closest we're likely to get to having a general law against being an inconsiderate asshole.

It's a start.


Of course, this will make one area more difficult for me. When I am a pedestrian (which often I am) and crossing the street (at an intersection) I have been able to look at an approaching car and know that if I spotted the driver with his or her arm pressing the hand against the ear that the driver was multi-tasking in a way that decreased the likelihood that he or she would notice me, and I could take evasive maneuvers accordingly.

Now I'll have to look at the driver's mouth and try to discern whether it appears to be having a conversation or merely singing along with the radio.


  1. Our brains are simply not wired to drive and talk on the phone at the same time, hands free or not.

    New York has had that law for some time now. The first six months most people were quite diligent, but years later it's back to jamming that hot rod directly to your face.

    Speaking of how our brains are wired...

    I was out of town this week and came upon a flashing signal on the road. It was flashing yellow, yet had a sign attached to it that said, "Red light ahead."

    Try to categorize and respond to that input. Stroop!


  2. To be completely frank, I'd argue that our brains aren't wired to drive. Period. We fake it well enough most of the time, but coordinating our attention on everything we should be watching while traveling at high rates of speed is not really what we're geared for.

    The fact that we don't kill a majority of other motorists and/or pedestrians is nothing short of amazingly dumb luck.


    One does wonder how long before they outlaw talking with others in the car while driving. Or with being the only adult in a vehicle with multiple (and potentially distracting) children.

    Or just driving altogether.

    I really couldn't blame them, much as I hate to say it.


So, what do you think?