This is the door to the public restrooms on the 4th floor in the Bonaventure hotel, as seen from the spiral stairs nearest it.
As per legal requirements, the men's room has a handicapped stall. (I can't speak to whether the women's room has one, but I assume so.)
This is the layout of the lower levels of the hotel directly opposite of that door. Notice the signs for the 3rd and 5th floor, which is where the elevators stop.
The elevators do not stop on the even numbered floor in the lower levels. (I don't know why; that's just what they do.)
There are no ramps between the floors on these lower levels. There are the four spiral staircases at the corners, and an escalator. Those are the only ways to get from either the 3rd or 5th floor to the 4th floor.
I'm sure there are restrooms accessible to those in wheelchairs, those who need the larger stalls when using the toilet, but this restroom on the 4th floor, with the handicapped stall, is (as best I can tell) inaccessible to wheelchairs.
You'd think that when they designed the building they would have noticed this. (I know they have to put the stall in the restroom, but why don't they have to put a ramp or elevator stop to that floor?)
There is so much I don't know about civic architecture...
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