On the left, in the early evening, the green of the hills behind the Bowl are still easily seen as the orchestra is warming up.

7:03 pm
On the right, here's the same thing, just with a different exposure, so it looks much later, and the Hollywood sign is clearer in the background.
Uh, let's move on...

AR Rahman at "Bollywood Night", July 16, 7:34 pm
On the left we move a bit later in the evening, with the colored lights illuminating the inside of the shell.

Fantasia with fireworks (obviously), August 18, 9:47 pm
To the right we see what happens at some performances near the conclusion of the show: fireworks shoot from the top of the shell, distracting the audience from the orchestra.

10:10 pm
Back to the left, the show is over, the orchestra has left the stage, and we're shuffling our way out with the crowds. But here's a different angle on the shell (through the trees on the side farthest from the entrance).
(Not included here because it got its own entry last month, but which you can review by clicking here: Al Green.)
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