Proving I'll ride this horse into the ground and then just keep digging, here's three more jacaranda pictures I took.
(See parts 1 - 4, if you haven't already. They're the last four days worth.)
Behind the spritely fountain at the upscale shopping center The Grove (see the bottom of the bridge in the lower left) there's some tall jacaranda. (They come in all sizes.)

You're probably wondering: Aren't there any shots where the trees in shadow but the background is in light? Yes. Here's one along Hope St. in downtown L.A.
In the courtyard of a Long Beach Methodist church (the spire is in the background), this jacaranda tries to get a little closer to... the deity of your choice (or the lack thereof).
[Click on the pictures if you like. Or don't. Whatever.]
Continued (unless I receive death threats--no, not even then) in
part 6...
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