Monday, September 07, 2009

Getting freshed

The Subway restaurant chain's current promotion is a Scrabble game. I haven't been playing, per se, but as I do tend to eat there about once a week I have gotten a few game pieces on drink cups. As I said, I'm not interested in the pieces with letters (which appear to require going online to play), so the only ones that I bother with are the ones that are "instant winners."

Previously I did get one that entitled me to a free cookie. Eh, not exactly something to make me react like the people in the commercials, but hey, a free cookie is a free cookie.

If nothing else, as one who doesn't tend to win many contests, it's a tiny moment of victory.

Then last week I peeled the game piece off the side of the cup and saw the words "Instant Winner" emblazoned across the top of it.

All right!

And then I glanced down to see what I had won. Below is an unmodified picture of the actual game piece:
In case you're reading this on a device where the photo doesn't display, the text below "Instant Winner" reads:
"Not an instant winner."

[Cue muted trumpet "wa waah."]

I'm not suggesting my self-esteem revolves around such moments, but raising of excitement and then dashing it in this manner just seems cruel--rubbing it in almost.

This is not what I need during my lunch hour.

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