Thursday, October 02, 2008


Hello, visitor to my humble site. Thank you for dropping by.

More than likely, you searched on the term "world's largest corndog" and had this post of mine from last July come up (second in the list). I say that based on analyzing my site meter over the past year, which shows that the term searched for most often which results in bringing visitors to my site is "world's largest corn dog"*. Statistically speaking, that post is my bread-and-butter (or, rather, my cornmeal-wrapped frankfurter and butter).

So, you'll notice that I have changed the title bar above to cater to my most likely visitor.

Never let it be said I don't give the people what they want.

* Interestingly, searching for "world's largest corn dog" (with "corn" and "dog" separated) causes my post to drop to the 12th listed (even though in the post I use the term "corn dog"--with the space--and not "corndog"; clearly there really is no rhyme or reason to Google). That means you had to scroll to the second page worth of results to find it. Thanks for clicking that far.


Speaking of bringing people to my site:

I also discovered by checking the site meter details of what sites referred visits to the blahg, I see that my recent post on serving jury duty got spotlighted on a site called Jury Experiences ("What really happens on juries").

I have no idea how they found me, nor did I get any indication from them that they were referencing my post, but such is the glory of the internet: Through no effort on my part, I inadvertently appealed to a very specific audience, who was able to locate me.

I'm not sure any visitors from that site are likely to come back, because that site seems to feature more items that put down jury duty, and my post made it seem not so bad, so it wasn't quite giving those people what they want.

Of course, as far as I can tell, the only way to know what the people want is to do whatever I was going to do and then discover after the fact that some people liked it. Or at least were willing to click on a link and take a quick glance.

So, in short, I really have no idea what people want. But on occasion I stumble upon it without intending to do so.

Which is perhaps how the creator of the world's largest corn dog came to invent that battered item that is so popular at state fairs (and of great interest in searches).

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